Love/Hate and the painful aftermath of the Doghouse

First let me explain “The Doghouse”. That is our local high school workout facility. We are lucky enough to live in a community that has funded our local high school with a state of the art fitness center. You must live in our school district in order to use it of course. It has an indoor mini turf football field which comes in handy for the schools practices on rainy days or when Alisa feels like punishing me and making me do bear crawls up and down it. It has free weights as well as machines, a batting cage, basketball court and track. Everything downsized of course. This is where 4 days a week we meet and get our workout on. Now a little background… Alisa is like a super-fit crazy woman! HA! and I am more like half way trying to keep up with her! In my defense I have come along way since we started but it is a work in progress. She pushes me and I hate her so much for it but at the same time I love her dearly for it. At the moment I am sitting in my chair at work and I am wincing in pain from our workout 2 days ago. She just about killed me, from my back, to my hamstrings… I can barely move. Thanks girl….

Want to make your body scream? Do this workout my “trainer” Alisa came up with…

We always start with 2 laps around our doghouse track which equals 1 lap around a regular track (Alisa hates this.. she is anti-running so this is my way of silently getting back at her… I love running)

On to  abs, arms, and legs:

50 tricep push downs on machine

1 minute plank with a 20 lb weight on your back

25 squats/ squat pulses for 30 Sec.

50 bench presses

100 Russian twists

50 hamstring curls on machine

(At this point I was already telling her I hated her followed up by a not really but i kinda do… she laughs and says…good!)

50 seated cable rows

50 pull down cable crunch

25 each side Leg lifts with a 25 lb weight (Yes she is crazy)

50 bicep curls

100 Bicycles

50 Curtsy Lunges

All this equals a “useless for the rest of the night” Stacy

Now usually we run in between the sets of weights but we didn’t feel like it so we just pushed straight through and the result is PAIN.

On a side note… Alisa will probably read this post soon and shake her head at me! LOL

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